Welcome to the World of Eveningvein
The current Eveningvein (occasionally referred to as New Eveningvein), where most of Vampires of Eveningvein is set, resides high in the misty mountains of Romania. It’s a Collective, where many vampires, servants, and other supernaturals live. Several castles, mountain chateaus, and other buildings occupy the land, along with a vast mountain forest.
The Queen (currently Danica Darlock) rules the Collective. She wields night to night authority, but in some cases, the Sanguine Council limits her power. The Primal Oracle (Eveningvein’s constitution-like charter) also binds the entire Collective to a general set of canons.
The Sanguine Council is made up of 10 members, including a Chairvamp (currently Skullron) and a Secretary (currently Amanta). The Queen attends the meetings, has voice, but can only vote in the case of a tie.
Also of note
Vampires of Eveningvein is set in an alternate universe. None of the characters in it exist in our world.
While many of the features of the Eveningvein universe resemble the earth we know, many are quite different. City names, such as Bucharest and Paris, match our world, but the street names and businesses do not. The villages and towns mentioned in the tales don’t exist in our world either. Cultures sometimes mash together in unusual ways, and flora and fauna are often found outside their normal habitats. Finally, the “steam science,” alchemy, and various supernatural elements that are an important part of this realm can only be experienced in our day-to-day lives by delving into the infinite imagination of fantasy.